Wednesday, March 27, 2013

momma hen

There are times when I get all mama hen on the kids. Tonight is a fabulous example of that.

There is this nasty man who works at this center. He is totally unfit to be around the kids. He is drunk 100% of the time and smoking the other 100% of the time. Tonight was no exception.

This homeboy rolls up in the dorms during my time I read to them. I can smell the beer on him. The boys also know what is going on. It is about 7:50 at night and super dark. He starts talking to them. He tells two of the boys that they need to go milk the cows and the rest of them need to go out and get ready for school and do their morning duties.

The kids listen to him because he is drunk and will beat them if they don't do what he says. And so all the boys leave the dorm and start running around like crazies because a crazy is making them do so. He came back into the dorm where I was with about 15 of the boys and starts yelling at them. That is when I told him that it was night time and some other choice things. He left and the boys clapped for me.

In a short amount of time it was all taken care of and the nasty was put to bed. It definately made me nervous for a second. Last time he came into the dorms drunk like that and I was there he beat the crap out of a bunch of kids.

I just do not understand why they keep him around. They always tell me something a long the lines of "He is an old man and you cannot fire old men." Oh... I am so sorry but you can and you should. 

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