Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Everyone asks how I got so involved with the school.
I ask myself the same question.
With a lot of reflection, I have it figured out.

At the beginning of last semester I walked into my room while my roommate, Kathy Hale, was on the phone. She said something about there was a need for someone to do I-Night. I said, "I could do that." (Mistake one) 

My name was submitted for thought and prayer over. Later that night my old FHE brother, Rick Roper, called me.
"Is this the Megan Emily Butler?"
"Why yes it is."
"Okay, cool. I already know you and so you don't have to come into to interview."

And that was that.

I got a call a day or two later inviting me to the all council retreat that night. I had to be packed and ready to go within an hour or two.

I went.

Sooner then I knew it I was all wrapped up in all sorts of things. I have never even been to I-Night and here I was planning the largest school wide party with the good ol' Brady Schow.

wedding ten

My old roommate Alexis got married to her long time boyfriend Matt in the Oakland California Temple. Obviously she is Asian and because of this there were a lot of Asians there. That was an experience I had yet to have at a wedding. Matt went on his mission to Asia where he caught yellow fever. This was for Alexis' benefit. 

Things I learned from their wedding:
1. Make sure your crazy uncle is on a cruise when the wedding happens. 
2. Think about ordering your wedding dress online. It is cheaper.

wedding nine

My long time early morning seminary and girls camp friend got married after dating her boo for two years or something like that. She did not pull any crazy Mormon 2 week isha. This girl made sure she knew her man before giving him the okay to tie the knot. Of course she married a man with the male version of her name.
Aaron and Erin were married this summer in the Oakland California Temple.

What I learned from their wedding:
1. Backyard weddings are super cute.
2. It is great to know the person a long time before you marry them.
3. If you order your bridesmaid dress from a weird asian site make sure you know that shipping is going to be expensive and the bust is going to be big.