Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Way Better

I was feeling super insecure today.
You know it was a bad hair day.

Nothing really went wrong.
I have no complaints about the progression of the day.

But now it is a perfect day.
It ended so well.
It was like someone was looking out for me.
I wonder who?! (the good ol' Heavenly Father)

Thanks for stopping by Kev.
You are the best.

76 things

I have just a month or so before I go to Kenya. I want it to be the best month of my life. This is a list of things that I want to try to get done before I leave. Some of them might be a little redick but I am going to try. 

Graffiti a building
Vogue photo shoot
Picnic in the back of a truck
Sew a skirt
Find ten new bands
Tell someone my deepest darkest secret
Donate clothes to goodwill
Go thrifting
Have a bonfire
Be a vegetarian for a week
Jello slip n slide
Ride a public bus
Visit a graveyard at night
Break the law
Volunteer for a cause
Go on a hike
Swim in a pond, pool, lake and an ocean
Read ten books
Watch a sunrise
Take a freezing cold shower
Build a snowman
See a play
Cook a five course meal
Have a spa day
Ace a test
Make a music video
Ask someone for their phone number and get it
Eat a banana spilt
Do a prank
Skip a stone
Memorize the handshake from the parent trap
Get a haircut… maybe
Get a free makeover
Draw with sidewalk chalk
Roll down a hill
Plant a tree
Go star gazing
Build a fort
Write a letter to my future children
Play Frisbee
Bike down provo canyon
Do a color by numbers picture
Learn about my great-grandparents
Do yoga
Try foreign cuisine
Make a soufflé
Have fried green tomatoes
Make a list of my favorite things
Go to an antique store
Finish a puzzle
Send letters to 3 random people
Make an echo
Write on a bathroom stall
Play a song on the piano
Break the law
Get cornrows
Go a day without cellphone, ipod or computer
Visit a museum
Wash a dog
Be in two places at once
Dress like a hippie
Hug a tree
Eat a pack of bubble gum all at once
Blow bubbles
Visit an animal shelter
Blast some music and dance
Get lost on purpose and find the way back
Have a slumber party
Watch a foreign film
Check something out at the library
Eat a whole box of oreos in one sitting
Play basketball
Play golf
Eat sushi

My dear friends if there is something on this list that you want to do with me just tell me and I am all over that. This will be epic.  

Monday, November 14, 2011

The Rumors are True

I got my braces off!

They are really gone. I cannot believe it. 

Saturday, November 12, 2011

2 Days and Counting.

I haven't blogged in like ten years. I know you all hate me now but distance makes the heart grow fonder. I bet we are super fond now. Not fondle but just fond.

Ummm... Where to start?!

I stopped doing the different hair dos. I hate doing my hair. I would rather do someone else's hair. I am like 95% convinced that I did all 30 days of hair. I basically did about 17 of them on myself and then the rest of them were done upon the rest of my friends and way more. I swear I am a pro-hair doer these days. I love hair.

No pictures of the hair.

FHE has been great. We have done a lot of things where we get messy. 

I am borrowing the Hunger Games book from my friend Mikey. I haven't cracked it open yet but you know that Kevin is down my neck about it. He just wants to share the blessings of the book that was brought to his life. We made Moriah's hair go darker. She know is officially a sexy beast. 

Halloween was broken up over two separate days. Our ward had one party and then the accutal day of Halloween happened. For the ward party we dressed as super heroes and went to the soup and pumpkin get together. For the accutal day of Halloween we were not planning on doing anything but last minute we all got dressed and hit the town. It was so fun. We went to the Southgate party. 
This is basically how it went down: We were all sitting on the couches and I said, lets go do something and we did. Our little future missionary was putting on makeup in the mirror and said, "I need to look like a skank if we are going to a Southgate party." That's my girl. The Southgate party was nasty. We traveled else where and ended up at Nauvoo House. We hung with some boys there until curfew, ran into Kev on our way out and took our lush selves on home. 
Another very important event that happened during this time was Kevin made us watch The Last Exorcism. I just want you to all know that it starts out as the most boring 45 minute beginning of a movie ever and then the last 20 minutes or so is just a lot to handle. My face was all sorts of smashed behind Kevin's back with blankets over my eyes and hands on my ears. I could not handle that isha. At least I slept well that night. Moriah, Cortney and Madison didn't sleep. 

This one night Kev, Mason and Madison came over. We played this slew of games. It started with like hearts or something and escalated really fast. The best part of the night was when we were playing ULTIMATE spoons. It started with normal spoons and then progressed into putting the spoons in the bathroom or in the couch. After that got too easy it progressed into calling out a random apartment number and then running from our apartment to the new apartment, going into the apartment and then finding their spoons. It was so fun. Mason is part gazelle or something. Kevin is just rough. That boy was throwing elbows. Madison and I were just trying to keep our breath as we were running and laughing really hard while the boys pushed us around. I highly suggest this activity to anyone. We played more games that night including; the snorting game, things, truth and dare jenga, the HA game and Cooncha. 

Photo shoot Sundays: Part one.

Part two.

I have been hanging out with these 3 chickas. We are the best 4 some that has ever happened to this campus. There are 4 of us from 3 different apartments. Our names are Madison, Moriah, Cortney and Me (Megan).

Road Trip!
Look at our lush my hair is. Not. We went on a road trip to Utah. It was so fun. 

Because of a really complicated story we got stuck at the Temple Square for a little bit.  In the Joesph Smith Building there was this exhibit where they had a bunch of the prophets and other old things. I really have no words on how to explain it. We also met this cutest old man who would have just talked to us for hours about everything but it was too cold for him outside. 

I went down to Utah for 2 reasons. Kadon and Chad. Kadon won for being more awkward. Hands down. Chad was the same lush Chad he has been ever since ever. Kadon will adjust. I know it. He was already doing better from the first Friday I got there to Sunday. 

It is the Hatch family braces club. We wished that Christine was there too. Our little club would be complete with her there. I have self elected myself the president and soon enough I will have to pass on the presidency to one of the youngins. 

Mark is great. He is the foriegn exchange student from Spain. The poor child is so awkward and just precious. I loved talking with him. He told me all about his first kiss story and all sorts of other things. I love the child. 

Then we were headed home. We stopped at In n' Out 3 times on the way home. We made lots of friends. We said hello to Kerianna. It was all around a great weekend. 

I love these girls. I love where this semester is at right now. I am just happy lately. I have wanted this for so long.