Saturday, June 26, 2010

I Can't Sleep at Night

I know there is so much to blog about lately and it felt like everything I did or saw this weekend was blog worry but there are only 2 things that keep me up all night thinking. I only want to talk about those 2 things these days. I know you are dying to find out what they are. Okay, it is your lucky day.
#1 Domanic Marshall
No, I am not dating him or engaged to him so calm down.

This little blessed son of God does not live a blessed life. Lets just say it has been a crap-hole since he came home from his mission. The last string was cut today and now he is moving into my home in CA! He is from Colorado and is coming to reside in a week or so. I am so excited. It is like I am getting a big brother... my dreams of dreams.

You are most likely wondering, "How does she know him?" I would love to inform you about that. He was Kevin's second companion and yes, I have never met him. It is going to be awesome!

Please make him feel welcome in San Jose.

#2 Ethiopia
I can not even handle myself when I think about going to this place. I am just so dang excited.

Look at those kids. They are so cute. I already love the people there. I feel like a missionary or something.

I also am really grateful for my parents being so willing to take Domanic in and always letting me follow my dreams. They kind of have a hard time saying no to me but that is okay because I am a good kid and wouldn't do anything too crazy. They are always so supportive and I know that I have been blessed to be apart of the family I have. I hope that Domanic feels at home once he gets there. I already love him so much. 

My life can not get any better... for now.

Monday, June 21, 2010

For all you Stalkers out there

The rumors are true, it looks like I am going to go to 
for 3 months.

I will post more about this later. Lets just say that I am way excited about the whole thing and can barely contain myself.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

David Archuleta

It was real life. I went to his concert for the 2nd time. 
There are 2 words to describe how amazing it was:
Life Changing. 
David Osmond opened for him. He is Donny and Marie's nephew. He was freaking amazing.
Tiffani was my date again. so we totally matched by accident. That is always embarrassing. 
Next was David Archy. You better believe that I screamed my lungs out until my face turned blue.
He sung basically his whole first CD and 2 of his new songs that no one has ever heard before. They were so lush. I recorded them but I have no idea how to post videos on blogger. (Could someone teach me?) His closing song was Waiting for Yesterday. He said goodbye and left the stage but of course the light stayed off and everyone screamed the heart out and he came back to sing Crush, Imagine and to top of the night Be Still my Soul. Oh my gosh. He is such a blessed son of God. He whipped out his personal green hard back hymn book, bore his testimony, started to get emotional and then sang that beauty. 
I think that was the best end to a concert I have ever been to and if you know me I have been to my fair share of concerts. That would only ever happen at BYU-Idaho and I am so glad that I go here. 

Please David, come back to BYU-Idaho so I can see you for a 3rd time. It will be epic I promise. 
Oh and I can not wait for your new stuff to come out. 
Everyone be watching for:
Parachutes and Airplanes 
Your Not a Good Liar
to come out on itunes or where ever you buy your music because these two songs will rock your world.
(I'll post videos when I can figure it out)

"R" Mountain

This mountain is kind of like the Y mountain in Provo except less hefty but it still kicked our butts. 

The story begins at dinner. We ate some delicious burritos and then played a few games of bomb town. During our last round of bomb town we were trying to decide what to do that night. Many ideas were thrown out but the only one we really all said yes to was hiking R-Mountain. 

After stopping off at everyone's homes we were dressed and ready to go. 
Jaymes and I have a really awkward relationship. He served as a missionary in my ward back when I was a junior in high school or something like that. Bailey, Jaymes and I have a lot of fun hanging out so the age difference doesn't really matter.
As we started hiking up the hill I think we all discovered that it was a little bit more challenging then we expected. Okay, that was an understatement. I think we might have gone into cardiac arrest while scaling that upwards course. 
We did make it to the top for those of you who had little faith. (shame on you) I think a big help of us getting to the top was a dog found us on the trail without a name tag or owners and showed us the path. Dog would stop with us when we had to take breathers and then start back up with us when we felt capable. Once we got to the top, the dog disappeared. Crazy.
When we got to the top what did we do? Spooned by the light of the moon of course... okay in all reality we flew a kite. Jaymes got the kite so high that we couldn't even see it in the sky. I don't think that I told you but we left for the hike around 9:30pm.
Jaymes takes beautiful pictures if you haven't noticed.
Bailey had a turn at the kite and kept it up quite nicely.
After Jaymes took like 39854 pictures of Bailey and I, this was the best of the bunch.
Jaymes creeping on Bailey using the bathroom.
We hiked back down the hill which was so humorous. I swear Jaymes pulled his pelvis or something. He was not man handling the trail at all. He was getting owned by it. Bailey also had to pee when we were at the top and so that was also really funny. I was surprised when she didn't break into a full sprint down the trail to release her self. It was one of those moments that I just could not stop laughing.
Good times.

We made it down the hill successfully, Bailey used the bathroom and we headed home. Jaymes dropped us off, I watched the end of Valentine's Day with Alexa and hit the hay.

It was such a fun night.

Free Falling from 30 Feet

For FHE one night the ward reserved the ropes course. Because of some of my rec classes I have already climbed the tower but they have never opened the swing for us. This was my lucky day.
Sonya and I got harnessed up. She dared the climb the tower and I man handled the swing. 
I might look like I wasn't freaking out but I was. I am surprised that I did not crap my pants or something.
To start you climb to the top of the ladder and this kind gentleman clips 3 or 5 different things to your harness. After he finishes that which takes less than a minute he hands you a rope that is folded over and tells you when you reach the top that you let go of that and then you will fly. 
I am supposed to let go of it myself!! 
True story.
I get hoisted up and because I freakin' know myself so well I let go of that rope puppy as soon as possible. If I would have sat and thought about it nothing would have happened. 
I let the rope slip from my safe fingers and began to fly through the air. Not a peep left my lips. I was so scared I couldn't make a noise. The people below me were so impressed and said that I was a "rock." If they only knew what was happening on the inside of me. 
After the initial shock things are better and it is just like a humongous swing. 
This experience defiantly freaked me out but I loved it! I live for trying new things like this and the rush is so great. 


Bailey, Brooke and I went on a walk.
 I live across the street from the Rexburg temple and a huge open field. 
If you ever came to visit me this is what you would see a lot of. 

I love watching that field grow. When we first got here it was just dirt and now the greenery is almost up to our knees. 

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Mission Call Time

One of Bailey's roomies, Kathy got her mission call! Look at how excited she is about where she is going. She is going to rock 
Ogden, Utah Spanish Speaking!
I have never seen someone so excited to go to Utah in my life.

Julianne Came!

She totally surprised me one Sunday night with a phone call saying that she is in the area. She came over and we went to stadium singing with Jaymes and then headed over to Bailey's house because they had never met. 
The she might have slept over that night, I don't remember. The next day after classes she called again and came over to finger paint with Bailey, Jaymes and I. 
I think she might have slept over that night too and went to breakfast with Kyle in the morning while I went to classes. Later that night she called me again and came over. We ventured over to Addie's place. While we were there she did her usual 30 minute stretch session when there were a bunch of people in the room with her. Bailey joined. It was quite the sight. 
She slept over again and went to 3 of my classes with me. All my teachers had me introduce her to the class. I felt like I was back in high school again. While I went to business stats she went to the greenhouses and the gardens. We met up again after and headed to my place where we ate lunch and then her parents picked her up.
I love my best friend and we have been friend since way little. We did joy school together. I don't think I have had a week in my life where I was more tired. Lets just say that she has major ADD and I do not. She keeps me on my toes and I love having her in my life. She is working on her mission papers and I know that she is going to be an amazing missionary.

Letting my Roots Show

Nasty roots to bleaching to bleached hair
It has been about the time redye parts of my hair for a REALLY long time. Lets just say I kept pushing it off. Bailey wanted a lighter blond streak in her hair too. I finally got my toosh to the store and bought the bleach. 

Sunday, June 13, 2010


You know when you finally decide on making a choice that you have been wanting to do for awhile but you are not 100% sure if it is the best thing for both parties involved but you just go out on a limb and do it anyways? 

Well, I just did that and now I am waiting for the response. 
Hopefully I did the right thing.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Lawn Care

For 5 hours on Saturday we tamed this beast. Aunt Tammy called me and needed some help out on one of the properties that she owns and so Addie, Bailey, Jeff and I stepped up to the plate.
Addie's job was weed kill. She first started with a spray bottle going one by one but that bottle lasted less than 10 minutes before she had to go back to the store and buy Weed and Feed. One of the really kind neighbors saw her trying to spread it by hand and lent her a weed kill spreader. 
Jeff was so needed and appreciated. His job was mostly the side yards and tree/bush trimming.
Bailey maned the shovel. She and I were a team of pulling weeds.
After Bailey loosened the dirt I would pull out the weeds that would come up in clumps. What do you do with these clumps? Shake the crap out of them or beat them to death. It is your choice.
Jeff is amazing and turned this bush into a tree. It was a tree all along but I had no clue. He was the only one that saw the full potential. 
This is what it looked like without tons of weeds. We got rid of most of the weeds and then just sprayed everything down with weed killer. I think that we will come back in a few weeks and check up on our masterpiece. 
We were so tried after working for 5 hours. I got a sunburn on my arms. To treat ourselves we went out to taco bus after we were done and it was seriously SO yummy.
I wish you could add smells to a blog because I have never smelt so bad in my life. Bailey and I were just sitting there and the mixture of our body oder was like human feces, smashed roadkill, baby barf and toe fungus. The dirt stained our hands too. We were just plain nasty that day.