Friday, February 24, 2012

black mamba

Our friend Kevin called us up and asked us to go to a Snake Museum with him in Nairobi. Since Kaleigh and I really haven't had the opportunity to look like tourists lately we totally accepted his offer. 
He said it was going to be like 200/= and we were like HECK YES! 
We get there after scaling Mount Kenya and hiking through the concrete jungle and it is 800/= a person. 
Yeah... just a little more then we expected but we went anyways. 
There were tons and tons of snakes. There were some big enough they could eat Kaleigh and I. 
There were a plethora of other reptiles like this mamba (crocodile). 
We even got the unique pleasure to see mating tortoises. 
Thank heavens for Erina and youtube because she taught me how tortoises have babies a few months ago. 
After the museum we headed back into the city to go to the stake center. We hit up this little food joint on the way. It was totally like a place we would go in New Zealand. The chips came in paper and the whole bit. The best part was there were USA lisence plates all over the walls. 
Also check the hair. Thank heavens for these lush locks. I had them up in a nasty bun and then just let them loose. 
After eating we swung by the stake center and picked up a friend and walked to our next transportation that took us to the center were our friend Kevin grew up. His parents died when he was young. 
The kids were so happy to see us and we made so many friends. I swear we walked 4000 miles that day and I have never ever slept so good. 

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