Wednesday, September 14, 2011

i can tell that we are gonna be friends.

Kevin came to visit me. It is a miracle. It was his idea too. I was so excited to see him. He drove the whole way from Arlington, Washington to my house... all by his lonesome. 
That is dedication. 
The first time I saw him was quite the rush of emotions. I was so excited and also nervous that he might be a different person. I had no idea what it was going to be like. I was expecting the most awkward first few days of my life. It was just like back in the day.

Everyday I had a plethora of activities planned for us. 
It all started on Friday. 
I had planned out for us to go to the Monterey Bay Aquarium and off we went. It was a lot longer of a drive then I remembered. We were still super awkward. When I say super awkward, I mean extremely. 
After the aquarium we went to Santa Cruz and just watched people at the beach. It was so cold. There was no way we were going to get into the water. The highlight of that beach trip was the man who was using his metal detector in the sand and was wearing socks. 
We went home for dinner and other things and then ended up back at the beach for a midnight stroll. 

The next day was Saturday. 
We went to the A's verse Mainers game. It was awesome. The A's won. Of course. Kev got himself a hat. Thank heavens for Kathy. She hooked us up with free tickets and free parking. It was a dream. 
After the game we went to the temple. 
It was kind of on the way home. Kev always told me that the Oakland temple was a sinner temple because there is no Moroni but he quickly fell in love with it. Why wouldn't you love this temple? Is there any other temple that you can walk on? We also went into the visitor's center and you know those sister missionaries flocked to us like none other. We were blessed to get hooked up with Sister Taylor from London and Sister Capener from Boston. They were amazing. 
After the temple we went clubbing in San Fran. 
I think going clubbing was the best idea we ever had. We did not really want to go in the beginning but the second that we got there it was the best experience of our life. We got these bracelets that said "drinking age verified." We knew it was going to be a great night after we noticed that. We were all over the bar and then we hit the loft. We found some classy drunk people. As soon as the dance floor opened my heart was full. We got our groove on for hours. You can't even fathom how great it was. Right before we were going to leave they had the dance off. Incredible. Life changing. I was so happy. 
Until we went to where the car was parked. Yeah. 
So, I encouraged Kev to park in a lot that got locked up before we came out of the club. Luckily, Kaleigh was there in a different car and had room for the two of us. 
Post clubbing. We were tried. He was hungry.

Sunday rolled around. 
(technically it rolled around while we were getting our groove on at the club)
We woke up at the crack of dawn and drove out to San Fran to get Kev's car and got home before my family was even awake. By the time church came around we were ready for a nap but we sucked it up and went. We went to 2 hours at the home ward and 1 hour at the singles ward and peaced out. 
After church is the traditional going over to grandma and grandpa's for dinner. It was delish like normal and then I wanted Kev to see the Redwoods. We mapquested how to get there and basically gave up and found a new state park to go to. It was quite a disappointment. 
This was the largest tree there. Pathetic. Well, the drive was fun on the way there and then we went home and crashed. We crashed hard. 

Monday. Aka Labor Day aka Kaleigh's Birthday came about. 
To celebrate the great day we went to the beach. Again. Along with the rest of the bay area. 
There was definite rip tide and he is definitely a lot taller than me. He took all the cold water and huge waves like a man and I just could not handle it. I was done after I got sucked under the first time. I could hardly stand. 
It was a really short trip to the beach but I am glad we went. 
After we did the traditional stop off at Maryann's Ice Cream. 
So delish. 
That night was Kaleigh's party. We went shopping for her present and missionary packages. We just won't talk about that. We came home and helped with the preparations. 

After sleeping in more than we were supposed to, it was Tuesday!
What do you do on Tuesday? 
Go to San Fran of course!
We did all the touristy things. We went to Pier 39.
We saw Alcatraz.
He ate a clam chowder bowl at Fisherman's Wharf.
I hate seafood. I got something else.
We went to Ghirardelli's Square and then took the cable car to Union Square. We shopped around a bit. I got 2 cardigans from H&M and a scarf. 
After Union Square we headed on back to the car without stopping off at a random shop and snagging a sweater for Kev and another scarf for me.
On our way out we hit up the Golden Gate bridge. It was so stinking foggy. We walked onto the bridge a bit and then we headed back home. 

I will tell you what happened on Wednesday once Kev brings over his camera for me to steal his pictures. (so Kev brought over the camera)
We had a late start but we made it up to the temple. Kevin brought family names for us to do. We first stopped in the Visitor's Center to see our favorite sister missionaries and also to discover that Addie was there too!
We would have loved to stay and chat longer but we needed to get down to the Lord's business. 
Kev baptized me for a plethora of his family and then he got baptized for the males. It was quite awesome.  
 After we meet up with Addie again. This time we went to Fentons. They have the best ice cream on the planet. I love their caramel the most. You might recognize the name of the ice cream shop because it was at the end of the Pixar film, Up.
After Oakland we hit some killer traffic on the way home. We got to San Jose just in time to babysit 11 children. I seriously left Kevin outside with a couple of kids for maybe 30 minutes and when I come back his elbow was all bloody and a child lost a tooth.

On Thursday we started our road trip back to Idaho.  
We had two problems. 
#1. Kevin got on the wrong freeway. I have no idea how it happened but all the sudden we were not on 80 anymore and we were driving on 50. After a short hour to two hour detour and a stop off in Fresh Pond, we found our way back. 
#2. Kevin's car started to fall apart. Well, not really but the plastic stuff around the window wasn't sticking like it should. We did the smart thing and just super glued that isha back to where it is supposed to be. We didn't have any problems after that. 
We had a pretty good trip. Nothing too crazy happened. We made it alive. 
I have no idea how to flip pictures.
 We also had a few run ins with this Mountain Dew can. It went all Pepsi or Coke with Mentos on us in the car when we poured Sour Patch sugar into it. It liked to tip over a lot. Basically anything that could have gone wrong with that Mountain Dew did.
To end it: He is my best friend. We are basically attached at the hip and I love his guts. 

Peace and blessings. 


  1. :) I LOVE THIS . i love you. i love everything about you. :)

    no homo. hahahahah

  2. Did you know I saw Fenton's on the number 1 place to go for ice cream? It was on some TV program I was watching a couple months ago. I was like "duh. that's no brainer!"
