Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Wacky Wednesdays

9 Things that made today great:
1. "I like your chacos and hair." -Allysen Bent. You know it is going to be a good day when you hear that come out of someone's lips. They complemented two of my favorite things. My hair looked bomb today. Thank you Jenn. Also, who doesn't love a little chaco in their life?
2. I cut open my thumb for the 2nd time in the last two days. Something about wearing a band-aid just makes me feel good. It is an Africa thing. Don't ask
3. I said my morning prayers. I know you are proud. It was right after I got out of bed and the whole thing.
4. Madison walked home from class with me. It is a long walk and I love having the time to talk with her. 
5. I made play dough chromosomes for my science class and got to play with it too. 
6. I got out of Anthropology 15 minutes early. Heck yes!
7. Talyn is being an excellent texting buddy. He is so good at it. He is so good at just going with the flow when I need him to. I couldn't ask for more. 
8. Mike drove me to class. He is such a blessed son of God and it is his BIRTHDAY! I am so glad he is dating Jenn. I love them together. 
9. I had some good times with Addie Mae tonight. We hit up the gym and she showed me the new world of pinterest. Watch out world. Here I come.