Saturday, September 17, 2011

three years and coming

Cameron Clausen once told me after I got into a fight with my parents that, "Girl, you need to learn to control your emotions." Of course that just made me even more mad but it always stuck with me. He also told me to take some acting classes or something to help out with that. I thought his advice was useless.

I can control a lot of things in my life. 
I control where I am. 
I control how clean my bedroom is. 
I control how long or short my hair is and what it looks like. 
I control what I wear. 
I control what I learn. 
I control who my friends are. 

I am still struggling with controlling my emotions.
Especially tonight.
I should have taken Cameron's advice.
Maybe I would be in better position.

There is basically one thing this post is all about. It is something that I am trying to let go of and it is already super hard but I know I am strong and I know that I can do it. I just had to vocalize it and put it into writing. 

I, Megan Emily Butler start a new chapter tonight as I finally let go and just try to push forward.

As Brother Pitbull says, "Reach for the stars and if you don't reach it at least you're on top of the world."

1 comment:

  1. Oh man, this is sounding sad. Don't forget to ask Heavenly Father's opinion. Guts are good, but sometimes fear can disguise itself as guts. And, I'm denying the fact that we ever got into a fight.
