Sunday, September 25, 2011

Thanks Dieter, you're a pal.

My teeth hurt.
Not just a little.
Not braces pain but something else.
It is intense and it happens at night when I am most stressed.
There is no way to sleep through it.
You better believe this week I have been experiencing a lot of pain.
I wish I could rip out my teeth.
One less thing to worry about.

I made my choice. If you know what I am talking about. 

Dieter F. Uchtdorf gave a talk during the General Relief Society Broadcast. It was incredible. I have never had one of the those experiences where I am listening to a talk and I swear it is written just for me. This was it. I was there. I was all ears. I was involved. I wish I had something to take notes. I hung on every word he said. He spoke to my soul. He told me exactly what I needed to hear and the next step I need to take in my life.

Point number three: Forget not to be happy now.
I forgot. I was once asked what my goal for my life was; of course I answered and said, "I want to end up happy." I forgot my goal in life. Uchtdorf then continued with an analogy of Charlie in the Chocolate Factory. He said that everyone was so excited to get a Golden Ticket in the Wonka Bars that they forgot their original love for the bars. They forgot how good the chocolate was in the first place, all they wanted was the Golden Ticket.
I am one of those people. I have had the chocolate here all along and I just forgot how good it was because I am distracted wanting the Golden Ticket. The chocolate is so good. There is nothing wrong with the chocolate. I just had to remember that. I need to be happy now. I need to remember that the chocolate does make me happy. I do remember that. Dieter just had to slap me around a bit with his words.

Thanks Dieter, you're a pal. 

After a good little walk and talk around the park. The choice has been made. I am keeping the chocolate around. I am going to remember the core goodness of the chocolate and try to just focus on that.

I choose to be happy now. 
Well, as happy as I can be with these horrid teeth.

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