Thursday, April 4, 2013


Musa is a character. There are not enough words to describe him. I feel like Kaleigh and I see one side of Musa and the boys see a differing side. 

Musa and I have this thing going on where instead of shaking hands as normal people do he will shake a finger or two really lightly and expect me to do the same in return. Then it will continue until we are shaking elbows or something. He is quirky. 

He gets the award for making the nastiest/funniest faces in front of the camera. He always makes weird squealy noises. He does them all. Musa is a fighter. The boys say that whenever he is even touched he will freak out and beat you. 

This year Musa took a good slice to the head and I got to take him to the doctor. This boy can scream. That is for sure. He also gets really offended if you bring up his scar that he has. He hates it but he is alive. That is what matters. 

Kaleigh says that Musa has grown evil. I would also agree with this. Over time Musa has grown more mean. Maybe with his old age he feels like he has to defend himself more or something. I have no idea. 

Musa is Musa. There is no other kid like him. 

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