Friday, January 6, 2012

You ask: Why did you block your blog?

It is official. My blog is blocked. 
I never ever thought I would do that. 

Here is the deal. (Don't judge)
Some of the staff are the most horrible people I have ever met. 
They are so rude to me.
No Joke. 

This is basically how it goes. 
I don't want the staff at the center reading my blog. 
We don't see eye to eye on a lot of things. 
An example: they beat the kids. 
I am not talking your average spanking. 
We are talking like slave era beating. 
They break out the switch and beat the kids until they bleed or reach an uncontrollable cry. 
How human is that? Not at all. 

The staff doesn't like me much. 
It is okay. It is a two way street. 
But they like me enough to stalk the crap out of me. 
They read my blog. They know every movement of my life. 
I blocked my blog so I can write what I want to write without them knocking down my door. 
I hope you can understand this. 

The manager of this place is nick named by Allynne and I as King Julius. 
He pounces around this place like he owns it and knows everything about it including the kids. 
He can only name about 10 of the kids. There are 100+. 
Some of the kids have been here since they are 6 and now are 18 and he knows about 2 of them. 
What a charming man. 
He makes me feel like I worth less then elephant dung. 
Because you can make paper out of elephant dung and you can't make paper out of me. 
I know I am worth more. Don't you worry. 
I haven't had the pleasure of seeing him yet but he comes home this weekend. 

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