Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Day two.

The car headache begins. Before the day even really starts, the car rental guy calls and says he needs to take it for a check up. This is real life. Everyone else is still sleeping. I bring my stack of exams to the hallway to mark and wait for the rental guy to come. As I am marking, dad joins me. He totally distracted me with talk about life. The car guy comes. We end up switching cars. He promises the new car is in good shape and we will have no problems but he has to wash it first. 

The rest of the crew slowly wakes up and we start to rearrange our stuff to prepare to go. Check out is at 11 and is approaching. I have tried calling all 3 of the lines for the rental guy and nothing works. The room phone rings. His phone was stolen by the people who washed the car. We get the car. We pack it up and head to the store. We ate breakfast and shopped for a week of village eating. Before 13, we were headed out of town. Mom and dad want me to stop for cash one more time before we are in the bush. I go to Zanco and do all the right things at the ATM. The bank ate my card. After talking to the manager, there is no way to get it back but wait a few days. I just had to leave. I was frustrated but it was out of my hands. 

That drive felt like forever and as if there were 70 police check points. In Kapiri we wanted to stop for gas but ended up only getting ice cream. From Kapiri it is only 40ish kilometers to my house. It felt like a country away but we finally reached. At the road I jumped onto my bike and the car followed. We made a quick stop at the Mukula's house to say hello and continued on. We got to my house.

I don't really remember what happened. We unpacked. Dad and Oscar cooked. I prepared the bath water and extra bed. We were all exhausted but didn't get to sleep probably until after 2. There was just too much to talk about. Mom and Dad even went outside and looked at the stars for a little while. This day was also their first time to take a bucket bath. 

There are no real pictures from this day on my phone except for a few early morning gems like this one. The rest of the pictures were taken on Kaleigh's fancy camera Mom and Dad borrowed from her for the trip. 

1 comment:

  1. Everybody needs to experience a bucket bath, although I'm not missing them right now!
