Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Day three.

Schools close. I needed to finish marking and recording for my three classes. I only had each class partiality done. The job was a big one. I woke up before everyone. I fetched the water, started the fire and got dish washing ready but marking was my priority. It took forever. Everyone else woke up and finished what I had started. Mom and dad helped me mark. Oscar cleaned up the extra bed. Dad made breakfast. The rents washed the dishes. I wasn't finished but we needed to get to school before the kids left. I wanted to have grade 9 finish an essay project.

 As life is sometimes, we were too slow but my babies were there. The grade 9s were busy cleaning up Mr. Chilufya's new house. As mom & dad approached they were shouting and cheering about Bamboya (gma) and Bashikulu (gpa) baleisa (are coming). Each of the kids wanted to greet them individually. It was probably really overwhelming but just another day in the village. Madam Mukula told us we need to greet the head teacher.

 We found him at his house. Soon we had all gathered in his office. Dad and him told stories for a long time as I popped in and out giving back exams to the pupils. With encouragement from mom, we cut the stories short and headed home. We needed to make lunch and prepare for after school clubs. For lunch we had mac and cheese. Mom and dad attract quite the crowd. We ended up cooking for double the size of our party. After cooking and eating, it was time to head back to school. We gather the supplies and walked on over.

 The kids were already gathering when we got there. First we stopped and gave the head teacher 2 Hawaiian shirts from Kaleigh and a bag of pistachios because the last volunteer, Kara, introduced them to him and he has been an addict ever since. With help from the other kids, we rounded everyone up and headed to the field. Dad explained the game. You have a tail made of string. You tuck the tail into the back of your bottoms. You are trying to step on others' tails and not let them step on yours. Of course the kids got 81% of what he said. When we said start, they spirited across the field and back stepping on each others' tails. They were supposed to stay just within the boundaries we set. We explained again with a demo this time and they got it.  They loved it. Shadrack, my counterpart, came as we were playing and jumped right in. Mom taught some of the girls who weren't playing how to make boondoogles. Everyone was happy. 

Shadrack and dad explained how the game relates to leadership and then we turned it over to Shadrack to play an HIV game. We taught the kids with that game that you can't tell if someone has HIV by looking at them. After everything was finished, we did a kilo, gave the kids balls and sent them away to play. Shadrack loves smores. I made sure my parent brought him stuff from America to make smores. He was so stoked. He was even wearing the socks I got him for Christmas covered in smores. He is the best counterpart. Mom & dad headed home from there. Oscar already got himself wrapped up in a football game with the team he always plays with when he visits. I needed to head to the market to get some things. We split in three directions. Idah, a pupil, came with me.

After the market we came back to the school to collect Oscar. He was still happily playing football and making people laugh with this crazy shirt trick. When we reached home, they had swept, washed dishes and started the bath water. Luckily tonight my bamaayo was cooking, all I needed to do was pump the visitors through the shower. Idah was still around. It looks like she is sleeping over. Good thing I have a big hut. Mom, dad and Oscar finished showering and then we were called for dinner. 

Bamaayo killed and cooked my biggest chicken. Dad ate so much it looked like he was going to explode. Everyone questioned why I couldn't cook the soup as well as my bamaayo. It was a great meal. We were all stuffed. Back at the house, I prepared two extra beds this time.We finished bathing and all crashed. I wonder how well Idah slept that night because I couldn't really. People were up going pee left and right. Jet lag. 

Again... all pictures are on Kaleigh's camera. Here are the two I have. 

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