Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Day nine.

We woke up in time for breakfast. Knowing the condition of the car, the boys took it to the gas station to tune it up with everything needed. Mom and I stayed behind to organize the last few things. The boys returned. We peed one last time and were off. We were making great time until just past Kalamo when the tire decided to crap out on us. We had to drive back the 17 kilometers and get the wheel replaced. 

They took less than an hour and we were back on the road. Jokes on us. The tire again went flat. Luckily I am good at being tourist and accidentally got a picture of the phone numbers of the place. We called and an hour later they were roadside helping us. They put on a doughnut but to our dismay we had to return to Kalamo to get the wheel replaced. After hours and three wheels later, we were back on the road. I made sure I got a direct number for the guy who was helping us in case we have another problem again. 

We were not going to make it into Lusaka until after dark but we made it. Dad and Oscar both didn't feel good. The car guy was using my number very freely and had declared his love before we reached the hotel. Oscar was eating it up. We ate right at the hotel. Dad looked like death. We sent him to bed. We finished up and all crashed. Tomorrow they were all going to leave me. 

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