Sunday, June 20, 2010

"R" Mountain

This mountain is kind of like the Y mountain in Provo except less hefty but it still kicked our butts. 

The story begins at dinner. We ate some delicious burritos and then played a few games of bomb town. During our last round of bomb town we were trying to decide what to do that night. Many ideas were thrown out but the only one we really all said yes to was hiking R-Mountain. 

After stopping off at everyone's homes we were dressed and ready to go. 
Jaymes and I have a really awkward relationship. He served as a missionary in my ward back when I was a junior in high school or something like that. Bailey, Jaymes and I have a lot of fun hanging out so the age difference doesn't really matter.
As we started hiking up the hill I think we all discovered that it was a little bit more challenging then we expected. Okay, that was an understatement. I think we might have gone into cardiac arrest while scaling that upwards course. 
We did make it to the top for those of you who had little faith. (shame on you) I think a big help of us getting to the top was a dog found us on the trail without a name tag or owners and showed us the path. Dog would stop with us when we had to take breathers and then start back up with us when we felt capable. Once we got to the top, the dog disappeared. Crazy.
When we got to the top what did we do? Spooned by the light of the moon of course... okay in all reality we flew a kite. Jaymes got the kite so high that we couldn't even see it in the sky. I don't think that I told you but we left for the hike around 9:30pm.
Jaymes takes beautiful pictures if you haven't noticed.
Bailey had a turn at the kite and kept it up quite nicely.
After Jaymes took like 39854 pictures of Bailey and I, this was the best of the bunch.
Jaymes creeping on Bailey using the bathroom.
We hiked back down the hill which was so humorous. I swear Jaymes pulled his pelvis or something. He was not man handling the trail at all. He was getting owned by it. Bailey also had to pee when we were at the top and so that was also really funny. I was surprised when she didn't break into a full sprint down the trail to release her self. It was one of those moments that I just could not stop laughing.
Good times.

We made it down the hill successfully, Bailey used the bathroom and we headed home. Jaymes dropped us off, I watched the end of Valentine's Day with Alexa and hit the hay.

It was such a fun night.

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