Saturday, November 21, 2015

first year of teaching

I finished my first year teaching! I can recall the first time I literally broke down in tears and left my class because they were being so awful. I can also recall moments where I didn't want the time to end because they were being so wonderful. Teaching is quite the roller coaster and you never know what kind of day it is going to be. I am so grateful for this opportunity to have taught and to continue teaching. I have discovered that I actually like it a lot. I will miss it when I finish in August.

The water project is at a stand still. To be honest, the problem is that no one is donating. Kerianna and Jacob are the only ones so far. They have a straight ticket to heaven. If you have any ideas how to fund raise this better, please advise. I am at a loss.

Right now I am at Provs. It is a meeting for all the PCVs in the same province to get together and discuss things about Peace Corps, the province and share ideas. It is the first time I am going to meet the new volunteers. It will be great. We will prepare Thanksgiving together. The day Provs ends, I
will be headed to a boy's camp called ELITE.

After ELITE, I will be in the village for less than a week and then turn around to go to a girl's camp called GLOW. After GLOW, I will be jumping on a plane and headed to Mozambique and from there I am going home! I am so excited to go home. It is just for a visit. I don't finish Peace Corps until August.

It is time that I have a break. I feel like I just need to refresh and reboot and head back. I am feeling a little burnt out. I am excited to become part of a crowd for a short time and not always be that person who sticks out constantly. Like my nearest neighbor Graham put it, "I can't wait to be anonymous again."

Days after I return from America, I will start teaching a new year. I am split between if I want to teach the same rascals or a new class. Maybe I can do both? We will see.

Oscar came and left. It is crazy how fast time flies. Now the village is 1000% sure that I am pregnant. They are going to be very disappointed when there is no baby. They love him. They always ask when he is coming back. January?

I guess that is all the updates I have. Any questions?
I also just listened to grandpa's funeral. It was perfect.
And it is starting to be rainy season.


  1. Wow. So many emotions for sure. It is hard to be so far away from family and to miss out on funerals. I'm so glad you had the chance to listen to it at least! I wish you all the best as you finish up this chapter of your life.

  2. Wow. So many emotions for sure. It is hard to be so far away from family and to miss out on funerals. I'm so glad you had the chance to listen to it at least! I wish you all the best as you finish up this chapter of your life.
