Sunday, November 8, 2015


I had some awful experiences with the church here in Zambia for the first almost year and a half of my service but things are turning around. I finally feel like I am part of the community of members here. I am not just a tourist. I am a human that belongs. 

It took a long time to get here but I found a ward that I feel good and apart of and a bishop actually from another ward that has taken me under his wing. He WhatsApps me weekly to check in. This is what I wanted from the beginning. I guess it is better now than never. 

I am glad that I won't leave this country having bad feelings about the church here. I guess I just ran into a bad bunch of people at the beginning. 

I lost count of how many times I have been to church now. It has been 3 in the last month. I think that is a good sign. Within the first year of my service I only went 2 times. I doubt I have been more than 10 in total but maybe before I finish I will reach 20 times. 

Who knows what the future holds?

1 comment:

  1. You're an amazing lady! Your smile is radiant. It's okay to go through hard times because there is always a sunny day on the other side. It seems like you've found the sunny side :)
