Monday, June 13, 2011

Anal Fissure

-noun [eyn-l fish-erAn anal fissure is a crack or tear in the skin of the anal canal. Anal fissures may be noticed by bright red anal bleeding on the toilet paper, sometimes in the toilet. If acute they may cause severe periodic pain. 

This is the recent story of my life. Well, not recent but recently discovered. 
You know you are super lucky when the doctor tells you that not only do you have 1 large fissure but 2 small ones too. Now my friends, that is pure talent. 

I went to the doctor here in Rexburg. They gave me these pills. 
They didn't work. 
I went back.
They said I needed to go to a specialist in California because of my health insurance. 

I went to California. 
I loved my doctor. He is a hoot. 
I he saw that I have 3 fissures. 
He called up the surgeon. 
The surgeon prescribed me 2 creams but if that doesn't work I am really lucky. 

Botox to the butt will be my solution. 
My doctor was giggling when he told me that. 
I hope you are doing the same. 

I could have included some pictures off of the internet of what this looks like .
I didn't think that people would like that. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh Megan Butler!!! Don't even doubt that I was laughing in the middle of the quiet floor in the library. Mission accomplised.
