Monday, May 16, 2011


So, this is a story from a long time ago. I was on my way home from playing with Bailey. I meant to blog it way back in the day but I just never got around to it and forgot about it. Luckily, I am a really good missionary pen pal (or use to be) and I wrote the story down for Kevin. He sent it to me today and here it is. 

Do I have a BART story for you... Ok, once I got onto the 2nd train I sat in front of this black man. He rapped the whole way home dropping the "f" and "n" word like I use "blessed". He taps me on the shoulder twice to ask which stop we were at. The 2nd time he was like, "Girl! How old are you?" I told him 20 and then he asked where I was going to. I said Fremont. Then he whipped this out, "DANG! You are one of those hot Fremont Chicks." Haha I said, "Uhh, no. I am from San Jose." "Well then where are you coming from?" "I'm coming from Concord." "Oh, that's where your black boyfriend is?" "Nope, I was visiting my briend Bailey." "Oh, you like girls." "No, I like boys." "Okay, I understand, I mean, I am from San Fran, but I'm not into guys." Me="yeah." Him="DANG girl, you have beautiful eyes." Me="Thanks" Him="What ethnicity are you?" Me="I'm mostly white and part Maori" Him="Is that like Spanish?" Me="Nope, it's people from New Zealand." Him= "Oh, I speak that language." (then he muttered some funky made up craziness) Me= "I dont think that was it." Then he slipped his phone into my lap. Him= "Have this so I can call you later tonight." Me= "I already have a phone." Him= "I am giving you this phone so I'll have a number to reach you at." Me (while handing his phone back)= "Sorry, I'm not interested." End of convo. SO AWKWARD but freakin funny. He said some other stuff but that was the jist of it. Phew... I almost got a black boyfriend. That would be crazy.

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