Thursday, December 25, 2014


I don't even know where to start.

The chief over my area is Chief Citina. Something happened where he lost his stick thing that normally kings hold in like the old days in Europe. Here in Zambia it is a stick with a cow's tail attached. Usually, the chief will carry it everywhere with himself so everyone know that he is a chief.

Well, my chief lost his. I don't know how or why or when. Long story. These 3 men found it and were dubbed the official witch hunters of the land. They convinced the chief there is witchcraft in the land that needs to be dealt with. He totally agreed. The chief has now sent these 3 men out village by village to clear all witchcraft.

Fast forward a bit.

The witch hunters moved into my village. One literally moved in next door and the others were in spitting distance. They came to clear all the witch craft from my village. I don't think anyone in my village even thought that witch craft was a problem until they came.

I don't really know what else to say about it. Here I go:

One of the witch hunters thought I would make a nice wife and wouldn't leave me alone for a little bit. Peace Corps Safety and Security came in to set him straight really quickly. My Bataata with PC backing him up really sprung into action. The witch doctor didn't talk to me at all after that.

I don't really know exactly what the witch hunters would do but it was a big show. People would walk from kilometers away to come see. They had a table set up with things under the table cloth. They would catch evil spirits from the sky and burn them with their devices. Heavens knows what was going on.  I tried to avoid it as much as possible.

I do know that it was a money making scheme. If a person was caught as a "witch" or a "wizard"... they had to pay 50 kwatcha, a goat and 2 bags of maize, Aint nobody got that. You could pay 10 kwatcha just to have them double check to see if you had powers.

As you probably saw on my Facebook they said they found voodoo dolls in my village. There was two that I saw. I guess when they captured the voodoo dolls. they were alive. So to kill a voodoo doll...  you drown it in water with voodoo doll killing medicine and then burn it. Of course! That is how I kill all my voodoo dolls. I guess when voodoo dolls are alive the witches or wizards use them to kill people or do bad things. Yup.

Another thing the witch hunters found in my village was a 7 ton snake. They were the only ones who saw the snake but... boy, does everyone believe that it is there.

But now they are gone. The witch hunters have left and probably took all the money my villagers have saved up for years. I am happy things are back to normal. 

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