Monday, April 14, 2014


I have been inspired by my cousin and my friend Madison. 

Dear Mosquitoes,
Thank you for loving Kaleigh way more than you love me. 

Dear Kenyan Hospitals,
You need to treat your patients nicer, give them pain killers and numbing medicine when necessary. I hate you so much. I just had to get it off my chest. See you soon! 

Dear Muddy Roads,
Enough is enough. I am tried of washing my shoes. 

Dear Kenya,
You are beautiful. I adore you. 

Dear Prayers,
I am sorry I have so much to say lately. There is just so much to be grateful for and there is so much need I see around me. I hope you understand. But please, please help shosho feel better and let Opondo have a better home. I want those two in particular so bad. It would mean the world to me.

Dear Elders,
I love you. Keep the funny texts coming. Can we please match every time we see each other? No one has to know it was 100% on purpose. I love the little mzungu flare you add to my life. 

Dear Person,
Hi. I am here for you. Share the burden. Let's do this. 

Dear Children, 
You are addicted to temple run. It is time to confess and forsake. 

Dear Mom & Dad,
Thank you for supporting me and my crazy love for Africa. It means the world to me. 

Dear Water Buckets,
You get really heavy when you are full and make me really tired when I carry you upstairs. I would love to have running water but you the best I can get right now. We definitely have a love-hate relationship. I can't picture my life right now without you. 

Dear June 10th,
You are coming up way too fast. I am not ready to move to Zambia. 

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