Saturday, July 28, 2012


I got mint jeans. It happened. 

I realize that it is huge trend right now but they were on sale for less then $20 and they fit so well. I say, "Why not?" 
My roommate Haley is all sorts of jealous. She has been searching for the right mint jeans and for me it was like the dear Lord put them right in front of my face. 

So here they are Haley... the blessed jeans.
They are gracing my lush body while I lay in my bed. 


  1. Dearest Megan,

    Thank you for sharing your mint jeans. Nothing could've made my morning better than to read about how they grace your lush body. You're a hoot!

  2. You did a post for the mint jeans!!!!!!!!!! Megan I love you! They look great and I'm jealous! I'm happy for you and your jeans and I wish you nothing but the best on your journey together.
