Saturday, July 28, 2012


I got mint jeans. It happened. 

I realize that it is huge trend right now but they were on sale for less then $20 and they fit so well. I say, "Why not?" 
My roommate Haley is all sorts of jealous. She has been searching for the right mint jeans and for me it was like the dear Lord put them right in front of my face. 

So here they are Haley... the blessed jeans.
They are gracing my lush body while I lay in my bed. 

lovin' the saints

We all know that I have a love for Africans. It is deep (more then I can explain).
It is nice to hear when others have that same love especially when it comes from the unexpected. 

President Jeffery R. Holland on his more recent trip to Africa discovered what I feel. He describes the members of the church just as I would describe the members of my Lucky Summer Ward in the Nairobi Kenya Stake.

His words are here in a video. 

Monday, July 23, 2012


The flight should be taking off right now. 
My mom, dad and two littlest sisters are headed to Virginia. They will be gone for a while. 
Kerianna is going to be at Auntie Tam's house. Everyone is meeting up there. 

Party at my house. 
That's a joke. I am working all the freaking time. 
(no complaints) 

solid four

This semester with roommates it was just crazy. There is no explanation. We had 2 roommates move out due to medical reasons and one move in due to her crappy roommate situation. 

We are the solid four.
Alisha is from Nevada. She is a Magala, Spain RM. She is majoring in communications with a minor in Spanish. 
Then there is me. Megan from the bay. Not an RM but a KL (Kenyan lover). I am majoring in recreation with a minor in international studies.
Haley is from Washington. She is luscious. She is majoring in photography. 
Bailey is from California. She is also a Malaga, Spain RM. She is majoring in therapeutic recreation. 

We got along so well it should be a crime. I couldn't have asked for a better solid four to take on the amount of moving that happened. We will be rooming all together again in the spring next year. 

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

scoop on poop

As basically everyone knows, I have bowel problems. Since I have been blessed with this there have been many other people who quietly come out of the closet to be about their bowel problems too. I have become the president of the secret bowel problem society. If you want to join, there is a $35 fee. I take cash or check. Just send me a Facebook message. 

 With my recent endeavors to do a 360 with my rump, I have found that most people know a little about the scoop on poop. You are going to be blessed with some little facts. 

 1. You should poop one foot a day. (Shoot, I try to double this. That is my daily goal.) 
 2. You're poop should float. (I have tried and tried and I still don't have very much success with this.)
 3. A human farts 14 times on an average day. (No comment.) 
 4. You should eat 25 grams of fiber a day. (I start my day with fiber one ceral and some fiber supplements. That always gets me starting off the day strong.) 
 5. You cannot prairie dog the squirts. (Enough said.) 
 6. Everyone poops. (If you have to poop in a public place... Do it. No shame. Just pray that it doesn't sound like a fireworks show going off.) 
 7. Eat lots of fruits, veggies, whole grains, etc and you will be so regular. 
 8. If you feel a little stopped up take a laxative at night. (Just make sure that you clear your morning schedule. You are going to be a little preoccupied.) 

 There you go. Now you get to see a glimpse into the life of Megan Butler. I keep track of most of these things just so I know the next day I will not be in pain. In the end my advice to you would be: Eat lots of fiber and stay regular.

Saturday, July 7, 2012


Welcome to the life of an iPad. Kaleigh and I got this to take to Kenya with us with lots and lots of apps for kids to learn. Right now I am just slowly learning how to figure it all out. It is definitely coming along. You know, just living the dream.