Monday, May 16, 2011


So, this is a story from a long time ago. I was on my way home from playing with Bailey. I meant to blog it way back in the day but I just never got around to it and forgot about it. Luckily, I am a really good missionary pen pal (or use to be) and I wrote the story down for Kevin. He sent it to me today and here it is. 

Do I have a BART story for you... Ok, once I got onto the 2nd train I sat in front of this black man. He rapped the whole way home dropping the "f" and "n" word like I use "blessed". He taps me on the shoulder twice to ask which stop we were at. The 2nd time he was like, "Girl! How old are you?" I told him 20 and then he asked where I was going to. I said Fremont. Then he whipped this out, "DANG! You are one of those hot Fremont Chicks." Haha I said, "Uhh, no. I am from San Jose." "Well then where are you coming from?" "I'm coming from Concord." "Oh, that's where your black boyfriend is?" "Nope, I was visiting my briend Bailey." "Oh, you like girls." "No, I like boys." "Okay, I understand, I mean, I am from San Fran, but I'm not into guys." Me="yeah." Him="DANG girl, you have beautiful eyes." Me="Thanks" Him="What ethnicity are you?" Me="I'm mostly white and part Maori" Him="Is that like Spanish?" Me="Nope, it's people from New Zealand." Him= "Oh, I speak that language." (then he muttered some funky made up craziness) Me= "I dont think that was it." Then he slipped his phone into my lap. Him= "Have this so I can call you later tonight." Me= "I already have a phone." Him= "I am giving you this phone so I'll have a number to reach you at." Me (while handing his phone back)= "Sorry, I'm not interested." End of convo. SO AWKWARD but freakin funny. He said some other stuff but that was the jist of it. Phew... I almost got a black boyfriend. That would be crazy.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

25% done

This semester is flying and not at the same time. We are 25% done. I still don't have any complaints. The weather is even getting really good. You can see the the BYU-I students lounging out in their not-so-modest clothing. Even the most Molly Mormon students can be caught soaking up the rays. 

My boy Devin came to visit. Words cannot express how much I love this blessed child of god. I just think he is so wonderful. We also have matching braces, that's always a plus. 

I went horseback ridding. I was kind of dreading it because my roomies were suppose to sign up and go with me but they didn't buy tickets in time. I was left alone. The original plan was to ride around the outside of a lake at some local state park. The day before the ride we got an email. The email stated that the park was still covered in snow and we were going to change locations to the sand dunes. Let me tell you, it was epic. We went all over the dunes and then to end it we rode right down the middle of the lake. I fully enjoyed every second of it. 

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Putting off Homework

Life after Kenya seems so boring. I was just rereading old blog posts and I really miss it. That isn't anything new. 

I want to update you on my new life here at BYUI spring semester 2011. I have no complaints. Okay so I have one or two but we are not going to talk about those.

So far my roomies are great. I have roomed with 3 of them before and 2 are new. The new ones are so fabulous. I love my apartment. We have laundry in the apartment. I love that. It is such a change from hand washing all my clothes. All my classes are rather enjoyable. I am taking 3 rec classes, 1 culinary arts class and 1 flower class. I am so happy to be done with generals. My ward is just so splendid. I am loving my FHE group. Really, everything is great.

These are my roomies. Jen, Kelsey, Me, Alexis, Cami and Erin.

Kevin came home from his mission. It is like he never left. We have basically picked up from where we left off. It is looking like these two BFFs are going to meet up again for Memorial weekend and/or July 4th weekend. I know you will all want to be posted on how that goes. I am prepared for the most awkward reunion of my life. 

I went to Texas for a weekend. My old roomie, Becca, got married. This little adventure is a story and a half. All I have to say is that I have amazing friends. After a whole lot of craziness and finally thinking that I was okay with not going to the wedding, I turn around to Raven and Zach surprising me by splitting my plane ticket. I was more than insta-tears. That is just the beginning of the stories that happened that weekend. I had a little 15 year old making moves on me like I have never seen. We got lost and ended up at the Alamo. There is just so so so much more. 

Don't mind Raven in this picture. She is just mad at my 15 year old lover.

Also I have really enjoyed spending a lot of time with Raven. I love this girl. She recently got engaged. It was super cool because I feel like I have been there for the whole process of their relationship just cheering Andy on to get it. I love those two together.