Wednesday, March 16, 2011

certain things break my heart

like tonight.

Allynne and I are in the dorms talking to the boys. It is about 7:45 and they go to bed at 8. They have a good 15 minutes before they go to bed.

No big deal... right?


One of the staff members who is continually drinking and just happens to be super drunk, stubbles in and starts to beat the kids and tells them to go to bed.
As quick as we can get over there Allynne and I try to get between him and the kids. I stay with this man and try to tell him that it is okay that the kids are playing and having fun because it is not bed time yet. He tells me some crap story about how he walked in the gate and heard them. They were "too loud."

I was there the whole time and it was not too loud... plus they are kids.

Allynne called one of the staff. He came.

I went back into the older boy's dorm when one of the kids informed me that Dan Sammy, Prado and Bram got wacked really good. I go into the dorm that Dan and Bram and located. Sure enough those two boys are bawling. It is also really obvious that Dan Sammy got hit really good.

All I could do was get an older boy in there as a translator and let him know that he is not a bad kid. I also told him that it was not his fault this happened to him.

Some nights in Africa are just crazy.

This is Dan Sammy.

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