Sunday, December 12, 2010

These Little Attachments

we call clothes.

As I am kind of starting to pack up all my stuff at the end of this semester for the millionth time, I realize that I don't wear some of the items of clothing I have.

It is getting ridiculous.

So, as I am weeding through all off my clothes I start pulling out those numbers. I know that I don't wear them and the likely hood of me wearing them in the future is tiny but I am so attached.

How did I get so attached to something?
They became my little babies.

I will tell you how it happened...
I am not attached to the piece of clothing. I am attached to the memory that goes with the piece of clothing. I know there is a part of me that feels like if I give up that gem then I will be giving up the memory.

I know this is silly and all but it is honestly how I feel.

So I would like to mark today as a momentous occasion as I have one almost overflowing bag of clothing that I am going to give away.

It is a funeral of sorts and I am ready to let go.

Thanks for all the good memories clothes. I am going to miss you but I am not going to miss having to pack you up and unpack you at the start and finish of each semester.

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