Friday, June 6, 2014


I have been asked a lot where my desire to join the Peace Corps came from. I have no idea when it started or how I even heard about the Peace Corps. 

I do remember my friend, Brittany Duffy, in high school talking about how when she is older that she is going to join the Peace Corps. I remember thinking in that moment that she was crazy and I would never do the same. I was more focused on the BYU-Idaho dream. They don't call it BYU-I do for nothing. But fast forward 6 years; she has the cutest toddler and husband while I am leaving for the Peace Corps on Monday. 

But where did the reminder of the Peace Corps come all these years later? I have no idea. 
One random day, I found myself on their website watching their 16 minute informational video and I was hooked. 

I mentioned this before. I was in a crossroads in my life. I was trying to figure out if the Peace Corps was right. There was this moment that I knew. I knew with every part of me that it was what I needed in my life. No doubt in my mind. 

I was at church and it was Sunday school time (my least favorite). I went to the converts class. I have no idea what the lesson was on. Latu Tuakalau was teaching, I remember that. He ended the lesson with is clip by Alan Watts. 

Literally changed my life. 

I knew all along I was supposed to do the Peace Corps. It was the slap in the face I needed. All I wanted was someone to remind me why and that is what I got.  

"It is better to have a short life filled with things you like doing then a long life spent in a miserable way."
-Alan Watts.

1 comment:

  1. i love the video....inspiring and your blogs always on point
