Thursday, September 19, 2013

for the curious

The question of the hour from everyone and their mother: 
"So Megan, what is in the plans now?"

If I knew I would love to tell you. How about you tell me what I should be doing. Make my life a little more easy. 

After that question people start throwing out ideas:
They always start with the job idea. "How is the job search going? Are you working?" 
I am working. I work at a YMCA day care program for a bunch of extremely wealthy kids that go to a on school site program. It is quite the switch from working with kids that have no parents to these kids that are 5 with parents and all have iPads.  

Another question because... well, I am the 2nd oldest and it is a hot topic: 
"How are the male prospects?"
Complicated. Let's leave it at that and with the dear lord.

 Next we find ourselves on the Africa subject:
"When are you going back?"
I wish I knew. I want to be there almost every single day of my life. (There are moments when I am super thankful to live in America. I would not trade my citizenship.) My heart yearns to be surrounded by black people and the Kiswahili language. 

There always a bunch of other questions:
"Have you thought about getting your masters?"
Yes. I have thought about it. Who doesn't?

"What do you want to do with the rest of your life?"
I have no freaking clue or else I could have answered the last ten million questions.

And they go on and on and on and on. 

No one tells you at after you graduate from college you still really have no idea what you are doing. It always looked like everyone else had their lives so planned out and ready when they were my age. I have been fooled. This is an age of pure confusion and trying to figure out where you fit in. 

Remember middle school and that feeling of not really knowing where you belonged? Yeah, it is kind of like that but amplified because now it is real life and does effect your future directly. 

I am at this crossroads which is more like a spaghetti bowl of choices in what I want to do. I don't want to stay with the YMCA. I don't want to be home for a long period of time. I think all I know is what I do not want. I am not too sure on what I do want. 

I want to be happy and follow my heart. 

For now I have not made any permanent choices. I want to keep my options open because what I have right now is definitely not what I want long term but good for now.

Here are some sister pictures from Kerianna's wedding. Random for this blog post. I know. 

1 comment:

  1. Megan!! I love you girl! I am sorry I haven't talked with you in a while. I am so impressed by the way you do what you want and not what other people want you to do, and that you explore so many different options. Way to go! I still have some of the same uncertainties as you wrote above. Sometimes that is just how life is. I hear ya girl.
