Wednesday, November 16, 2011

76 things

I have just a month or so before I go to Kenya. I want it to be the best month of my life. This is a list of things that I want to try to get done before I leave. Some of them might be a little redick but I am going to try. 

Graffiti a building
Vogue photo shoot
Picnic in the back of a truck
Sew a skirt
Find ten new bands
Tell someone my deepest darkest secret
Donate clothes to goodwill
Go thrifting
Have a bonfire
Be a vegetarian for a week
Jello slip n slide
Ride a public bus
Visit a graveyard at night
Break the law
Volunteer for a cause
Go on a hike
Swim in a pond, pool, lake and an ocean
Read ten books
Watch a sunrise
Take a freezing cold shower
Build a snowman
See a play
Cook a five course meal
Have a spa day
Ace a test
Make a music video
Ask someone for their phone number and get it
Eat a banana spilt
Do a prank
Skip a stone
Memorize the handshake from the parent trap
Get a haircut… maybe
Get a free makeover
Draw with sidewalk chalk
Roll down a hill
Plant a tree
Go star gazing
Build a fort
Write a letter to my future children
Play Frisbee
Bike down provo canyon
Do a color by numbers picture
Learn about my great-grandparents
Do yoga
Try foreign cuisine
Make a soufflé
Have fried green tomatoes
Make a list of my favorite things
Go to an antique store
Finish a puzzle
Send letters to 3 random people
Make an echo
Write on a bathroom stall
Play a song on the piano
Break the law
Get cornrows
Go a day without cellphone, ipod or computer
Visit a museum
Wash a dog
Be in two places at once
Dress like a hippie
Hug a tree
Eat a pack of bubble gum all at once
Blow bubbles
Visit an animal shelter
Blast some music and dance
Get lost on purpose and find the way back
Have a slumber party
Watch a foreign film
Check something out at the library
Eat a whole box of oreos in one sitting
Play basketball
Play golf
Eat sushi

My dear friends if there is something on this list that you want to do with me just tell me and I am all over that. This will be epic.  


  1. I just want to know why you have "break the law" on your list twice?

  2. I was just thi nking the same thing....Why do you want to break the law twice? Do you want to be caught or ride in a police car because I know peoples who can help you out with that.

  3. I guess I really want to break the law. I would love to ride in the back of a cop car. :)
