Sunday, August 18, 2013


I have been here for a few months now. It guess it is time to blog. I got home from Kenya in April. Leaving was awful. Coming home was the pits but having a loving family to come home to is great. I got to California and left for Idaho less than 48 hours later. I was trying to remember why that all happened so fast and it is because we missed our original flight. Kaleigh and I got an extra day in Kenya. Talk about a high stress moment in my life. 

I got to school. It was great. I had some freaking crazy roomies. One of them meet and got engaged to a guy within 9 days. I had roomies from the South that tried to convert me to their ways. The closest I got was going crawfishing and saying, "Y'all come back now." It always feels so unnatural to say it. I don't really remember any crowning moments from this semester. Most days, I hung out with a lot of African people. They were almost my only friends and I miss them so much. Julianne Hansen was also up at school and I loved that. 

My roomies: Sarah, Courtney, Chelsea, Morgan and Hannah

It was my last semester. I graduated from BYU-Idaho. It does not even feel real. I cannot be that old. I am now in the market for an internship in Recreation Management. If you have any leads, please help a sister out. I am willing to go anywhere. I am always up for an adventure. 

And what has happened since then? I went on a pioneer trek with my home stake youth. It was so wonderful. I am still not 100% sure what my job was but I was there and willing to help where ever was needed. 

Kerianna got married. I have no pictures of that yet. It was great and simple. There was no bridezilla. It has provided me with ample cousin time. That is a blessing. 

And that is my life.