The last Sunday we were in Kenya we made sure that we took a lot of pictures. Kaleigh and I kept it together the whole day. We did so well. You can give us a pat on the back the next time you see us. No tears at all. It was a miracle.
The Lucky Summer Ward in the Kenya Nairobi Stake is the best and most favorite ward I have ever been in. No jokes.
Brian and Oscar wanted a picture with Jesus. These boys.
This is my friend Eugene. He is so great. He always cleans the building on Saturdays and never complains. He is waiting on his mission call. He has been waiting on it for a few months now. I am getting so antsy to see where he goes.
Rispah's mom came out to visit us on our last Sunday and to give us some of Rispah's things to bring to America with us.
This is Oscar's family minus him, one niece and one sister. I love this family. I love this family so much. His sisters are so spunky and just so funny. His mom is such a sweetheart. I swear they are all the funniest people I have ever met. The best part is they crack me up and it is mostly in Swahili. I have no idea what they are saying but you just know it is funny.
These were the goof balls in the ward. Just look at them.Oscar was the freaking ringleader. He always got everyone to be a little more crazy then they really are.
These were basically the cats I would hang out with at church. The only real person missing is Eugene. It feels like I am at home when I am with them. Kaleigh and I are the token white friends. It is fabulous.
This is Brian. He is wonderful. He was on a branch mission for most of the time I was in Kenya. He was the boy who got down on one knee at the YSA dance. We only hung out for the last week I was in Kenya but it was great. It was so great. He just finished his mission papers. I am so excited to hear where he is going but I will also miss him so badly when I go back to Kenya next year. He is Oscar's best friend. They are man lovers.

Elder Karson Cook was a turd when I first met him. I did not like him at all. He was a greenie with a bad attitude and was always dogging on Kenya. I love this place. He doesn't even know how lucky he is to get called on a mission here. He and I both had a change of heart. I love this boy. I love him with all my heart. He became one of my best friends. He is so kind. He is learning to love the people and the culture. When we were driving to the airport I got a text from him, "I already miss you so bad." That was the breaking point for me that day. I miss him terribly.
Lastly, Oscar. This boy.
I will tell you more about him later.
These are my people. I love them all so much.
The weekend before this one was testimony meeting. I went up and bore my testimony to all of my ward family. I teared up a little. It wasn't bad. I got in the important things for them to hear.
Flirt to convert.
White Mormons are boring.
Idaho is going to kill me.
I love them all so much.
And most importantly... the church is true.